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About Ms. Weldy

This is my 3rd year here at King Springs Elementary, and I couldn't be more excited! I absolutely love second grade, so I am thrilled to be teaching your children. A few things about myself...I am originally from Cumming, Georgia and moved to Kennesaw about 5 years ago. I am a Kennesaw State University graduate, GO OWLS! I moved to Smyrna 2 years ago to be closer to King Springs and I love this community! I am super close with my family and my two younger brothers. They are very involved in sports, so I spend a lot of my free time at the ball field, watching them play! I have a two year old husky puppy named Maddux, that I adore. He is spoiled rotten! Reading, hiking, traveling, and exercising with my pup are my favorite hobbies. I took a road trip this summer from Georgia all the way to Oregon, checking The Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, and Crater Lake off of my bucketlist! It was an absolutely breathtaking adventure! I drink way too much coffee, as many teachers do:) and I love working with children. Teaching is my passion! I believe each child should be given the opportunity to succeed, so I will do everything in my power to watch your children grow and succeed throughout 2nd grade. Please don't hesitate to contact me with anything and everything. My email is

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