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Important Information:

PICTURE DAY is next MONDAY the 10th:)

King Springs is having a family movie night tonight at the K-1 campus. Don't forget to send the Performance Arts permission form back to me.

On a side note, Labor Day threw me for a loop and I accidentally made a "Friday" homework box (oooops), this is NOT required:) If the kids want to do it for bonus, that is perfectly fine, but it isn't required.

What we are learning:

-Phonics: Long a diagraph words (example: sleigh, mail, sail, day)

-Grammar: Irregular plural nouns

-Reading: How characters respond to a major event in a story

-Math: addition and subtraction strategies and introducing word problems within 20.

-Writing: personal narratives

-Content: Matter

Spelling/Sight Words: after, animal, ask, big, does, found, help, just, learn, about

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